2012 5-4-3-2-1 NFL Pool: Notes on how the spreadsheet works
construction on spreadsheet started on August 20, 2011 by Dave Woods; used my survival pool template as a starting point
1 You only need to enter the following 2 items (everything else will be calculated automatically) with regards to the week-to-week progression of the pool
1.1 The abbreviation of each poolee's pick in the appropriate cell of the appropriate worksheet for each poolee
1.11 Abbreviations can be changed to fit the user's preference by changing the entry in the "Abbr." column of the 'Team Selection Summary' worksheet
1.111 If abbreviations are changed, the same abbreviation can obviously not be used for more than one team
1.112 The same abbreviation must obviously be used for the same team for the entire season
1.12 If a poolee fails to submit a pick for any or all of the point totals for a given week then enter "none" in the appropriate row of the "Abbr." column 
1.2 The final score of each game in the 'Schedule & Results' worksheet
1.21 All scores should be updated to ensure standings remain accurate
2 Formulas within this file have been constructed with the following rules in mind
2.1 If a poolee's selection wins their game then that poolee receives the point total assigned to that selection
2.2 If a poolee's selection loses their game then that poolee loses the point total assigned to that selection
2.3 If a poolee's selection ties their game then that poolee receives 0 points for that selection
2.4 If a poolee selects a team more than 3 times then that poolee automatically loses the point total assigned to that selection
2.41 It is up to each individual poolee to ensure they don't pick a team more than 3 times
2.5 If a poolee selects a team that has a bye week then that poolee loses the point total assigned to that selection
2.6 If a poolee fails to submit a team for a given point total then that poolee loses the point total for the omitted team
2.61 If a poolee fails to submit any teams for a given week than that poolee loses all 15 points for that week
2.7 If a poolee selects a team more than once in a single week then only the highest point total assigned to that team will be dependent on the game's outcome
2.71 Other than the highest point total assigned to that team, the poolee will automatically lose the point total assigned to that team for every additional selection within the same week
3 The 'Poolee Pick Summary' worksheet lists the selections from all the poolees in an easy-to-read table
3.1 The worksheet uses the format of x/y (i.e. the pick was made in week x and received y points)
3.2 This worksheet has been conditionally formatted to clearly identify any "tbd" entries
4 The 'Team Selection Summary' worksheet has been conditionally formatted in 2 ways
4.1 If a team has been selected exactly 2 times by a poolee then the cell will be shaded yellow
4.2 If a team has been selected 3 or more times by a poolee then the cell will be shaded black and the font will be changed to bolded red
5 The 'Prizes' worksheet has been added to track the winners
5.1 The 'Prizes' worksheet assumes that once the score of the Monday night game is entered then all the scores have been entered for that week
5.11 In the case of Week 1, this applies to the later of the two Monday night games
5.12 In the case of Weeks 16 and 17, this applies to the Sunday night game
5.2 Cell B13 must say "Yes!!!"; if it does not adjust cells B7, B9, B10, and B11 until it does
5.3 If there is a tie for the Week 17 prize, the co-winners must be manually entered
6 To add additional poolees, exactly follow the following steps
6.1 Copy an existing poolee's worksheet and change the name of the newly copied worksheet to create a new poolee worksheet
6.11 Ensure that all picks have been deleted from the "Abbr." column of the new copy
6.2 Using the EXACT name of the newly added poolee worksheet, add a row to the 'Poolee Point Totals' worksheet to the bottom of the existing entries
6.21 Copy the formulas from all columns into the new row
6.22 Ensure that the hidden column entries are correct for the new poolee (the "Sponsor?" column and the "Amount Paid" column)
6.3 Using the EXACT name of the newly added poolee worksheet, add a column to the 'Team Selection Summary' worksheet to the right of the existing entries
6.31 Copy the formulas and formats from all rows into the new column
6.4 Using the EXACT name of the newly added poolee worksheet, add a row to the 'Poolee Pick Summary' worksheet to the bottom of the existing entries
6.41 Copy the formulas and formats from all columns into the new row
7 When adding new rows within the 'Poolee Money' worksheet, remember to copy the formula within the "Sum Check" column into the new row
7.1 This formula can return either "Good" or "WRONG!"
7.11 If "Good", the sum of the row is 0 (which is a must)
7.12 If "WRONG!", the sum of the row is not 0 and something within the row must be corrected