Photography Accolades
I am humbled but pleased to have received the following photography accolades:
- July/August 2013 - Image published as full page in Canadian Geographic magazine:
- 2013 Prince Edward County Bird Photography contest - First place:
- 2012 Prince Edward County Bird Photography contest - First place (tie):
- 2009 Friends of Pinery Park Photography contest - Category winner (park landscape)
I am pleased to have had 64 of my images (of 48 species) published to Dendroica (an online aid to North American bird identification).
- Cackling Goose
- Cinnamon Teal
- Harlequin Duck
- Bufflehead
- Common Merganser (two images)
- Ruddy Duck
- Wood Stork
- Northern Gannet (five images)
- Brown Pelican
- Black-necked Stilt
- Upland Sandpiper (five images)
- Marbled Godwit (four images)
- Ruddy Turnstone
- Red Knot
- Dunlin
- American Woodcock
- Sandwich Tern
- Pigeon Guillemot
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Black Phoebe
- Say’s Phoebe
- Red-eyed Vireo
- Rock Wren
- Carolina Wren
- Western Bluebird
- Clay-colored Thrush
- Ovenbird
- Kentucky Warbler
- Blackburnian Warbler
- Blackpoll Warbler
- Palm Warbler (three images)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (two images)
- Olive Sparrow
- California Towhee (two images)
- Le Conte’s Sparrow
- Lincoln’s Sparrow
- White-crowned Sparrow
- Golden-crowned Sparrow
- Crimson-collared Grosbeak
- Indigo Bunting
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Brewer’s Blackbird
- Boat-tailed Grackle
- Brown-headed Cowbird
- Altamira Oriole
- House Finch
- House Sparrow