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Halloween Pennant, Grasshopper Sparrow, and Merlin

It was hot today, so it was nice to spend most of the afternoon in an air-conditioned vehicle driving around Prince Edward County with my parents. We weren't expecting to see much, but I was pleasantly surprised to get images of two birds I've never photographed before - a grasshopper sparrow and merlin. I was able to use my new Puffin Pad to take pictures from inside the car while using the door and Puffin Pad as support. It worked well. Before the birds, we saw lots of dragonflies and butterflies. The most common dragonfly were Halloween Pennants - they seemed to be everywhere at times!

Halloween Pennant, Canon 7D with Canon 500mm, 1/8000s, f/5.6, ISO 400

Halloween Pennant, Canon 7D with Canon 500mm, 1/500s, f/10, ISO 400

Grasshopper Sparrow, Canon 7D with Canon 500mm, 1/5000s, f/8, ISO 400

Merlin, Canon 7D with Canon 500mm, 1/2000s, f/8, ISO 400

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